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Massage Therapy Jobs - Convenience of Find Touch

When it comes to massage therapy jobs, massage therapy employers have not historically had the ability to easily locate licensed massage therapists for their fill-in or temporary massage therapy jobs.

Until Find Touch, there was no convenient way to post urgent massage job opportunities online, so these types of massage job openings would simply go unfilled, taking away from massage employer income and customer satisfaction. At the same time, massage therapists seeking temporary work have not had a reliable and comprehensive resource where they could learn about all massage therapy jobs in their area.

Created exclusively for massage therapists and massage therapy employers, Find Touch is a community that was created to serve the massage therapy employment needs of both the licensed massage therapist and the massage employer. Find Touch provides convenient tools for both massage therapists and massage employers to communicate about current massage therapy job openings - so that business can go on and massage therapy clients can be taken care of!

Learn more about how Find Touch helps create a connection between massage therapy employers and massage therapists.